Data-Driven Decision-Making for Greater Community Results

Smart Management. Measurable Outcomes.
Thriving Communities.

CNM’s heartbeat since the beginning has been to equip nonprofits with the knowledge and skills needed to be the best they can be. As community needs continue to grow, we have come to believe that all stakeholders, not just nonprofits, need to be involved if issues are to be addressed in a meaningful way. We broadened our mission to strengthen communities by working with corporations, foundations, government, as well as nonprofits, to focus on results. 

To achieve social ROI, CNM provides strategic data expertise and leading-edge technology to nonprofits with the support of foundations and corporations. We also offer education and advisory services that give actionable, practical, and impactful guidance. At CNM, we are dedicated to smart management, measurable outcomes, and thriving communities. 

Our customized approach, strategic management and data expertise, and leading-edge technology give the right mix of knowledge and insight to advance nonprofit missions and community impact. We help communities by helping nonprofits be their best – engaging them on every level, giving them the tools they need to succeed –  and fostering cooperation with businesses, foundations, and government entities in a way that produces meaningful results.

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Everyone who comes to you and tells you that you need to approach CNM is correct. 
Having that type of expertise is not just crucial, it’s invaluable.

chad houser

CEO, Café Momentum


The state of the sector 2020 report

North Texas has seen a 20% increase in the number of public charities since 2016. However, this increase in nonprofits hasn’t translated into slowing the growth of most community issues. For more insight into the North Texas Nonprofit Sector download our free report.



Achieving Social ROI

With CNM strategic data expertise and leading edge technology, nonprofits can be sure they are collecting the right data, interpreting and acting on it the right way, and doing so efficiently and effectively for greater community impact.



CNM offers extensive curriculum in nonprofit organization management to help nonprofits build a strong foundation of operational and functional knowledge.


Strengthening Organizations through strategic Management

CNM offers organizational assessments, strategic planning and board development, plus any number of customized consulting services geared to strengthen nonprofit performance.