- Frisco- No brick and mortar location, TX
- November 30, 2023
Company Information
Our Mission: TLT – Tomorrow’s Leaders Today, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to helping develop youth leaders through education, collaboration and mentorships with community & business leaders for the collective benefit of the students and their communities.
TLT Overview
Each program focuses on Character & Integrity, Teamwork, Communication, Problem Solving, Creativity, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging, Action, Vision and Reflection.
During the different program sessions participants will also find included in each class: real life skills, soft-skills, leadership skills, career and higher education readiness skills geared to the career path the participant is looking to follow.
In some of the programs a Community Service Project will be selected by the participants which is completed before the last class.
From the start, TLT focuses on serving those in low and moderate income communities. As of March 2023, we are at 57%
TLT Youth Leadership Academy
TLT Youth Leadership Academy is a four-week program presented by TLT- Tomorrow’s Leaders Today to any interested 5th-12th grade ISD student, homeschooled or private school student, held three times a year. Community focused sessions are 3 hours long, once a week ending with a certificate of graduation.
TLT Kids Serve - NEW for 2024!
TLT Kids Serve is a volunteer program where youth 5th grade to 9th grade participates in volunteer project. These projects are in partnership with other nonprofits, completed in a classroom setting and include a financial literacy lesson and/or a real-life or soft-skill lesson.
Youth 10th to 12th grade participate in these sessions as project lead assistants building on leadership skills in identifying projects, coordinating and planning for the session and assisting with the facilitation of the project.
TLT Leading Leaders Intern Program
Texas young adults (15 and older) across North Texas High Schools, Colleges and Universities take part in a hands-on internship opportunity to gain valuable work experience, explore a career path, develop, and refine skills, gain confidence and build professional relationships. All career paths can find a valuable opportunity in one of the positions offered, the experience is tailored to the student. School enrollment is not a requirement.
Small Business Entrepreneur 101
Youth (14-17) and Adults (18 and older) interested in starting a small business learn what is involved with taking their dream to the next level in virtual Webinars and/or Workshops.
TLT Unlocking the Future Program
5th grade – 10th grade participants learn basic real life soft-skills, higher education and career readiness through group discussions, hands on exercises, speakers and presentations about the civic, corporate, charitable and educational opportunities right in their community. Each class will complete a community project.
TLT Community Statement
A community is not complete without the engagement of everyone! TLT- Tomorrow’s Leaders Today, Inc. teaches its youth program participants about life soft-skills, leadership skills, their school’s student government, community HOA, city, county and state governments and how they can get involved at their age appropriate level. Each TLT participant will take part in a community service project that can be served at various organizations and locations throughout the community.
What makes TLT different?
TLT- Tomorrow’s Leaders Today, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit youth leadership program that is putting the focus on real life soft-skills, civic responsibility, and career and leadership skills.
Throughout Texas, we work in person with 5th grade and older participants, mostly in underserved, economically challenged situations, to integrate their career path/goals, while developing leadership qualities and real-life skills. Engagement with business, civic, and community leaders that are aligned with the participant’s career choice leads to more meaningful connections.
The selection of the class facilitator, mentors, retreats, internships and community service projects foster these relationships. The participant will learn how to be a self-sufficient community member and leader in any career they choose.
We would be honored to have Veterans who would like an opportunity to join us and put their mentoring and leadership skills into action or participate in an internship position.