Osteosarcoma Institute

concentrating on the cure

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About the Osteosarcoma Institute

Osteosarcoma is a bone cancer that primarily strikes adolescents and young adults, and research has not made significant progress in improving outcomes or identifying new therapies in metastatic/recurrent osteosarcoma patients in over 40 years.  About 1/3 of patients die from the disease within 5 years of diagnosis.  This is a challenge answered by the Osteosarcoma Institute (OSI), a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated to dramatically improving the life expectancy of relapsed and metastatic patients.

Launched in 2017, the OSI is guided by an active Strategic Advisory Board comprised of top physicians, scientists, and other leaders in cancer research from across the country.  Through a comprehensive, national review process, we fund clinical and biology research that advance our understanding of osteosarcoma to improve patient outcomes.  This dedication to improving the lives of osteosarcoma patients makes the Institute a dynamic and passionate organization offering large potential for growth for all who join us.

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