Frequently Asked Questions

we're Here to help

Below are some of our most frequently asked questions. We hope gathering them in one spot is helpful for you as you seek to make the most of what CNM has to offer. 

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Job Board

How do I post a job?
If you would like to post a job, you can follow this link to our job board. On the right hand side of your screen, you should be able to select “Post a Job.” You will then need to sign in, or if you do not have an account, register in order to post a job to the board.

Additionally, you can follow this walk-through video for a step-by-step guide on how to post a job.

Do I need to be a CNM member to post a job?
No, the Opportunity501 Job Board is open to all regardless of membership status.

What are the job posting rates?
15-day post: $149
30-day post: $249 (featured)
CNM members receive a $50 discount on job board postings.
You can post your open Board Member positions for free. 

What is the benefit of a featured post?
30-day postings are featured, which means they will stay toward the top of the job board (in blue) for 30 days.

How do I apply my member discount to a job posting?
At the very end of the job posting process, you will be prompted for payment. On the payment page, there is a link you can click that says “Have a discount code? Click here to enter it.” This will generate a box for the monthly discount code. Select “apply.” This is an important step as we do not refund the difference if the discount code is not applied at the time of transaction. 

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Professional Development

Are seminars and certificates free?
While we occasionally have free offerings, most of CNM’s professional development services are not free. Prices may vary, but the typical seminar price for a member is $125 and $200 for non-members. Certificates vary widely, depending on subject matter and how many sessions.

Where can I find your training schedule?
You can find it here. We recommend checking it often as dates are added and also subject to change.

How often do you update the calendar?
Our schedule will show you dates for the year, beginning in January, but the classes that are open for registration are through May. The remaining class registration will open this spring.

My organization has a CNM membership but I forgot to apply the discount code when I registered for a course. Can you refund that money? 
Unfortunately, we do not refund the difference if the discount code is not applied at the time of transaction. 

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How do I know when my membership is going to expire?
You can email if you have questions about when your membership will expire. CNM will email our primary contact for your organization annually when your membership is up for renewal.

How do I use my member discount code?
The member discount code is emailed to you at the beginning of each month. To use it, simply type it into the coupon code box that appears either when registering for a seminar, certificate program, or posting a job. Don’t forget to hit apply! We do not refund the difference if the discount code is not applied at the time of transaction. 

What are your membership rates?
Our membership rates are published here.

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Consulting Services

How much are your consulting services, like strategic consulting, outcomes and evaluation, or professional development?
All of CNM’s consulting projects are customized, so cost varies by project scope and CNM staff required to complete the project. This is so you receive work tailored to best meet your organization’s needs. Additionally, we often have scholarship funds that can help cover a portion of the total cost. Contact for more information.

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Can you help me start a nonprofit?
Unfortunately, no. If you need assistance with paperwork and establishing a 501c3, please contact Nonprofit EliteIf you need pro bono consulting services for your newly formed nonprofit, please contact Dallas Social Venture Partners.

Do you have nonprofit compensation information?
Please visit the Candid for survey data related to nonprofit compensation.

Do you have space I can rent for my nonprofit to hold a meeting?
Unfortunately, our offices do not have any space available for nonprofits. Our Dallas complex, Energy Square, has space available to rent by the hour. Contact them at 214-438-6100. 

Communities Foundation of Texas (214-750-4222) and Meadows Conference Center (214-821-0911) also have space available for nonprofits. Please contact them directly to inquire about their space.

If you have other questions that haven’t been addressed here, please use the form on our Contact Us page to submit an inquiry.